          Ex-U.S. sailor jailed for 10 years on terrorism charges Ex-U.S. sailor jailed for 10 years on terrorism charges 1. (Hassan Abujihaad, 33, was convicted last year by a federal jury in Connecticut of providing classified information to Azzam Publications in London, knowing that it would be used in a conspiracy to kill U.S. citizens.) 部落格 It looked a lie, because how could US sailor have any chance to know any US citizen classified information ? Most likely the federal jury has bias to his middle East name. You try any Middle East name, you have to have all Middle East named or friendly to Middle EAst named US citiz 酒店經紀en to seat in the Jury. 2. (Prosecutors accused Azzam Publications of engaging in a conspiracy to provide material support and communications links to people involved in terrorism, including the disclosure of a U.S. Navy battle group's movements in 2001.) 2001 Azzam was still in Navy, Federal Prosecutors must have no right to accuse him (Abujihaad 西裝was discharged from active duty from the U.S. Navy in January 2002, authorities said) not mention battle group making friendly visiting, the movements most likely not a secret in any way. 3. (Charges were brought in Connecticut because Azzam websites were hosted for a time on servers in the state) If you see him like regular US citizen, he must have all his free speech right at 買屋websites, if you see him as US Navy sailor must have limited speech right, then you need send him to be tried in US military court. 4.(Prosecutors said Abujihaad sent e-mails to members of Azzam while he was on active duty in the Middle East and stationed aboard the U.S.S. Benfold, a ship in the battle group whose movements were disclosed) Because he's in active duty, therefore, you prosecutors must 膠原蛋白 have no right to try him for anything he did during that active duty time, you distrust his loyalty, you need send him to military court to have a say. Because you fed prosecutors must have no right to question him anything out of his mouth. 5. (The e-mails were recovered in December 2003 when British police searched the London home of Babar Ahmad, a British citizen linked to Azzam.) The so called recovered e-mail could be phony l 網路行銷ike your Dollar bill very likely be phony when you got in Europe or any foreign country. 6. (Abujihaad described a force-protection briefing given aboard his ship, "voiced enmity" toward America and praised al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, prosecutors said.) Again, if you see him as Navy sailor must have no free speech right like civilian, you need send him to be tried in the military court, if you see him like civilian, he must have all his speech r 買屋ight to praise al Qaeda leader 0sama bin Laden whose unselfish righteous guts much more respectable than any you stupid bad ugly evil corruptation USA politicians or public workers, not mention your liar President Bill Clinton and 0bama. 7. (At the trial, prosecutors submitted evidence that Abujihaad's Navy e-mail account was saved in an Azzam online address book and also produced court-authorized wiretap recordings in which Abujihaad was accused of speaking in code to 酒肉朋友refer to jihad.) Are you nut? Don't you know anyone's e-mail account may be saved by anyone, just see how much junk e-mail anyone may be bothered. 8.(Abujihaad described a force-protection briefing given aboard his ship, "voiced enmity" toward America and praised al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, prosecutors said.One e-mail lauded the Cole attack, which Abujihaad described as a "martyrdom operation" and advised Azzam that such tactics were working and taking their toll.) It is 酒店經紀all empty words, you cannot jail someone as per your own narrow minded bias conspiracy, you can only spy him to record his real action. You need to have real evidence to try someone, you cannot use conspiracy to try someone, conspiracy can not trig you to spy him. 9. Military member don't like politicians know how to talk, you prosecutor must have no right to accuse anyone of them.   .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 酒店兼職  .

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